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Autumn and Winter 2024-2025
Summer 2024
Special Edition March 2024
Autumn 2023
Spring 2023
Special Edition "Forge-In" 2023
WaterWords Newsletter
Fancy learning more about our work at the museum?
Our team have created these seasonal publications to help keep you up to date with our exhibits, events and showcase some of the fantastic work we carry out.

Our library of WaterWords newsletters numbers over 1,000 entries, with over 320 subjects, 385 personal names, 260 names of companies or other organisations and some 50 place names.
Created over two years by volunteer Jeremy Milln, the index is a testament to the sheer range of the Museum’s collection, the reach of its purpose and the expertise and dedication of its volunteers.
If there is a particular topic of interest where you would like further information, do please contact us by e-mail at and we will do what we can to help.
We will try to rerspond to all requests as quickly as possible, but as the museum is an entirely voluntary organisation open only one day a week it may take a litle longer to reply.