Other publications
Calling on the Experts
The advice of the Waterworks Museum's team of engineers is regularly sought to provide specialist knowledge on a wide variety of machines and engines showcased by magazines, books and technical manuals from around the world.
Below we have highlighted just a few of the external publications and the articiles that have been written

Vintage Spirit
A monthly magazine for steam and industrial heritage enthusiasts. This specialist publication covers event reports and news from the preservation world, as well as fascinating features on restoration projects, manufacturers, museums.
The magazine carried an article written by a regular contributor, author and photographic and heritage historian, Professor John Hannavy. ‘Water, Water, Everywhere’ explores the history of drinking water and and was written following a visit to the Waterworks Museum.

Old Glory
Steam and vintage machinery magazine for enthusiasts which, amongst other things, offers a nostalgic look back at steam’s golden age and uses features and archive material to provide inspiration for new restoration projects.
Old Glory featured an article about the Waterworks Museum on the 160th anniversary of our Worth Mackenzie Triple Expansion Beam Engine, which is the oldest steam engine of its kind still operating in the UK.

Stationary Engine
The collection, restoration and study of stationary engines is a hugely popular hobby and Stationary Engine magazine is for enthusiasts of stationary engines, such as those that might have driven water pumps in bygone days.”
The magazine carried an article about the very popular Stirling Engine Rally held at the Waterworks Museum every October.